Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Struts 1 and 2 Architectures

Struts Architecture 
Step 1: User Sends the request to Action Servlet.
Step 2: Struts-config.xml contains the Actions, Forms, ActionForwards and Mappings.
Step 3: Bundle all the request into a JavaBean extends the ActionForm.
Step 4: Decides which action class invokes to process the request.
Step 5: Vallidate the data.
Step 6: Action Class process the request with the help of ModelComponent.
Step 7: The Model interacts with DB and process the request.
Step 8: Completing the request process by Action class and returns the ActionForward to the controller.
Step 9: Based on ActionForward the controller will invoke the Appropriate View.
Step 10: Response with render back to View Component.

Struts 2 Architecture 

Step 1: User sends the request to the container.
Step 2: Container call the web.xml file and get the controller name.
Step 3: Controller calls the ActionMapper and gets the action.
Step 4: Based on action it will call the Action Proxy 
Step 5: Action proxy will call the Configuration manager which in struts.xml file to get the info of action.
Step 6: Action Proxy process the request to Action Invocation.
Step 7: Action Invocations invokes all Interceptors and call the Action.
Step 8: Based on Action result (Response) will generate through the Action Invocation.
Step 9: Through the HttpServletResponse will sent the result to the End user.

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