Enter into the Deployment machine :
==> ssh -A core@<ipaddress> -i <name>.pem
Enter into api deployment machine
==> ssh core@<ipaddress>
To deploy the helm use below command
==> helm upgrade --recreate-pods <project-name> <project-name> -f <project-name>/values.yaml
To know the ip
==> helm status <project-name>
To Find any command
==> Ctrl + r
To Install the helm in machine :
==> helm install <project-name> -n <project-name> -f <project-name>/values.yaml
To Check the logs :
==> kubectl logs -f <pod-name>
To check the latest 500 Logs :
==> kubectl logs --tail 500 -f pod name
To find the names or folders :
==> ls |grep <pod-name>
To get the pod name :
==> kubectl get pods | grep saas
To enter into the pod tomcat:
==> kubectl exec -it <pod-name> sh
==> kubectl exec -it <pod-name> bash
To Delete the pods
To find the perticular logs in POD
==> kubectl logs -f <pod-name> | grep "any logger message "
To Delete/Stop the Pod :
==> helm del --purge <project-name>
To Copy the logs from the remote pod machine
==> kubectl cp <pod-name>:usr/local/tomcat/logs .
==> ssh -A core@<ipaddress> -i <name>.pem
Enter into api deployment machine
==> ssh core@<ipaddress>
To deploy the helm use below command
==> helm upgrade --recreate-pods <project-name> <project-name> -f <project-name>/values.yaml
To know the ip
==> helm status <project-name>
To Find any command
==> Ctrl + r
To Install the helm in machine :
==> helm install <project-name> -n <project-name> -f <project-name>/values.yaml
To Check the logs :
==> kubectl logs -f <pod-name>
To check the latest 500 Logs :
==> kubectl logs --tail 500 -f pod name
To find the names or folders :
==> ls |grep <pod-name>
To get the pod name :
==> kubectl get pods | grep saas
To enter into the pod tomcat:
==> kubectl exec -it <pod-name> sh
==> kubectl exec -it <pod-name> bash
To Delete the pods
To find the perticular logs in POD
==> kubectl logs -f <pod-name> | grep "any logger message "
To Delete/Stop the Pod :
==> helm del --purge <project-name>
To Copy the logs from the remote pod machine
==> kubectl cp <pod-name>:usr/local/tomcat/logs .
## Helm
helm create saas-api - Create helm folder structure
helm lint saas-api - Verify Yaml file from template
helm install saas-api --dry-run --debug - Perform dry run which will replace value from values.yaml file to template yaml file
helm status saas-api - Check the status of component
helm list - Get the list of deployed component
helm install saas-api -n seas-api -f saas-api/value.yaml - Install component basically it will create new pods. Here first folder name is “Release name” second name is component folder name
helm upgrade --recreate-pods saas-api seas-api -f saas-api/values.yaml - First give release name then folder name
helm upgrade --recreate-pods saas-api saas-api -f saas-api/values.yaml -f saas-api/values-harman-dev.yaml - To replace values other than default
## K8S - Basic Commands:
kubectl get pods - List all the pods
kubectl get pods |grep mess - This will list device message component pods
kubectl describe pods <pod-name> - Shows the description of pods like which image is runnung stuff like that
kubectl get svc - List all the service names
kubectl get svc|grep mess - Shows the service name with ip
kubectl apply -f <yaml file name> - Start component
kubectl exec <pod-name> -it sh - Get into pod container
kubectl describe services device-message-api-int-svc - Describes the given service
## Internal Service Name:
kubectl exec -it busybox -- nslookup
kubectl get svc -o wide | grep vault
## Log:
kubectl logs -f <pod-name> - Show component logs
kubectl logs --tail 10 -f <pod-name> - Show component logs last 10 lines
kubectl logs --since 5m -f <pod-name> - Show component logs since 5 mins
Run Command in Pods:
kubectl exec my-pod -- ls /
kubectl delete pods <pod-name>
kubectl delete configmaps <configmap-name>
kubectl exec -it mongo-qr-mjrcz bash
mongo --port 27017 admin -u admin -p 5D0c72dz4bxl
kubectl exec postgres-0 -it bash psql -U postgres
## Connect To Postgres in Kubernetes Env
kubectl exec postgres-0 -it bash psql -U postgres
See ELB:
kubectl get svc|grep comp
kubectl describe services vehicle-compatibility-api-ext-svc
Note: saas-api is the component name in this list.
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